Search Vacancies

There are a wide range of opportunities available across Scottish Government and Executive Agencies, both permanent and fixed-term contract.

To view and search on all vacancies across Scottish Government please click here.

If you are interested in specific jobs, then please select one of the tiles below to run a search in these areas.

  • Senior Civil Service:  The most senior leadership roles within the Civil Service covering vacancies in numerous fields through Digital, Operational Delivery, Policy and many more.  Examples include Chief Executives, leaders of high profile policy areas, and senior professional advisors such as the Chief Medical Officer.

  • Public Appointments:  Search for regulated public appointments here.  A public appointment is, a Ministerial appointment to the Board of a public body.  Public bodies deliver the priorities of Ministers or the Scottish Parliament, through the delivery or scrutiny of services or by providing impartial, expert advice on a specific topic.
Social Security Scotland
  • Social Security Scotland was set up in 2018 by the Scottish Government to deliver a number of devolved benefits which are being introduced in stages. We are growing our team to be able to deliver the next stage of benefits. We need great people to come and help us deliver a great service to those who need it. We are an evolving organisation that is built on dignity, fairness and respect at the heart of everything we do. That means we are changing and developing all the time, so we want people to bring us their energy and ideas. In return you’ll get a good job in the civil service, the opportunity to work flexibly and a good pension too. Our vacancies cover a wide range of job roles so there will be something for everyone, whether you are new to the workplace, returning after a break or have lots of experience to offer. Take a look at our current jobs and apply today.

If you are applying for a role with Social Security Scotland you can contact the Social Security Scotland Resourcing Team at or call us on 0800 157 7194